When you choose to promote a listing, you gain access to a suite of enhanced features designed to maximise visibility and engagement. Here’s a breakdown of what you receive with a 7-Day Listing Promotion: How to access promote? Go to your account and visiting your listings. On your listings you will see the ‘promote’ icon. Click this and choose whihc listing you wish to promote.
7-Day Listing Promotion: Your listing will be actively promoted for a full week, ensuring it stays top of mind for potential customers during this critical period.
Featured on Home Page: Your listing will be prominently displayed on our home page, giving it prime real estate and exposure to all visitors as soon as they arrive on the site.
Promoted Banner: A special banner will be added to your listing, clearly indicating to viewers that it is a promoted item. This banner helps your listing stand out among others.
Dedicated Listing on Our Google Ads Campaign: Your listing will be included in our targeted Google Ads campaign. This means it will appear in relevant search results and across Google’s advertising network, reaching a broader audience beyond our website.
By utilising these features, you can significantly enhance the visibility and attractiveness of your listing, driving more traffic and increasing the likelihood of successful engagement.